Emeritus Rector Ilse Wisotzki Awarded Posthumous Decoration by Municipality of Lima

In honor of her significant contribution to promoting quality higher education, the Municipality of Lima posthumously awarded the Medal of Lima to Ilse Wisotzki (1934-2016), Emeritus Rector of Universidad de Lima. The award ceremony took place in celebration of International Women's Day. 

The ceremony recognized Ilse Wisotzki as the first female rector of a university in Peru, a role she held at Universidad de Lima for two terms (1977-1989 and 1994-2014). It was also highlighted that, over more than 40 years of dedicated service, she led the institution through significant growth in both infrastructure and academic quality, driven by her unwavering belief in education as a force for transformative change in the country. 

The ceremony was attended by Desirée Orsini, Ilse Wisotzki's daughter and a faculty member of our Master's in Business Law, along with Patricia Stuart, Rector of Universidad de Lima.

"This award brings me great joy. My mother always said there was no greater happiness than doing a job well and witnessing its impact on the lives of many people. It fills me with immense pride," shared Desirée.

Our Rector pointed out that Ilse Wisotzki spent over four decades ensuring our institution achieved the highest standards of excellence, while also promoting a culture of freedom, ethics, integrity, and citizenship within the university community. 

This event, led by Rafael López Aliaga, Mayor of Lima, also honored Maribel Acosta, the first woman to be appointed as a Supreme Judge of the Military Police Court, along with Lucía Beatriz Bobbio, Head of the Dermatology Service at the National Hospital Dos de Mayo, Susana Mosquera, Dean of the School of Law at Universidad de Piura, and Alianza de Apoyo al Instituto de Enfermedades Neoplásicas with the Medal of Lima.

Similarly, social activists María Elena Moyano and Pascuala Rosado were posthumously awarded honors.