The Economics Undergraduate Program trains highly-skilled professionals to work in private or public sectors. In the private sector, our economists will be able to dynamically interpret the effects of environmental factors, in order to optimize organizations’ economic resources. This will enable them to efficiently face short- and medium-term issues from actual and financial perspectives. In the public sector, they will be able to provide viable solutions to important issues for the country’s development.
Graduates have theoretical-practical knowledge and soft skills to have an innovative impact that creates value in the business, managerial, and technical spheres, for both private and governmental sectors. Their training combines an integrated approach with the right skills to diagnose and solve complex problems in a systemic way, bringing leadership, teamwork, and permanent learning spirit to the table.
We train highly-skilled economists, with integrity and a global approach thanks to our innovative, disruptive, and top-notch educational model. This allows them to positively transform organizations and commit to the social welfare.
Be one of the main Economics Undergraduate Programs in Peru and a global model in teaching and research of economic sciences. Be recognized for training the main role models in public and private management, fostering the new ways of doing economy, with relevant impacts on their research and contribution towards sustainability standards.
The Economics Undergraduate Program comprises 191 mandatory credits and 18 elective. Thus, students can access to a comprehensive knowledge of all related areas and also pursue one or more specialist certifications.
Students who have completed their studies in Economics are eligible to apply for a bachelor's degree. Subsequently, with this in hand, they may submit their application to obtain the professional title in Economics.
To view the General Regulations on Academic Degrees and Professional Titles, click here.
Video Tutorial: What's Next After Graduation?
At the end of the academic term, students who have successfully completed all required courses and earned the necessary credits outlined in their program’s curriculum will automatically achieve the graduate status. They will receive an email from DUSAR.
For more information, click here.
Video Tutorial: How to Request a Graduate Certificate?
To earn your Bachelor's degree, you must first graduate from the Economics Undergraduate Program.
For more information, click on the following options:
The professional title in Economics will be awarded upon the successful completion of one of the graduation submodalities corresponding to either the thesis or professional proficiency work options, as outlined in the Supplementary Guidelines for Obtaining the Bachelor's Degree and Professional Title.
To apply, you must first earn the Bachelor's degree in Economics from Universidad de Lima and meet the requirements.
For more information about the research areas of the Economics Undergraduate Program, click here.
Once the corresponding graduation submodality is approved, the following documents—properly filled out and signed—must be submitted to the Academic Degree and Professional Title Office:
- Authorization for the publication of research work in Ulima Repository to obtain an academic degree or professional title.
- Affidavit of originality.
For more information on how to request your professional title diploma, click here.
Video Tutorial: Process for Obtaining Your Professional Title Diploma
The Economics Undergraduate Program offers four specialist certifications. Click on each to explore the detailed curriculum:
Requirements are as follows:
- Hold a Bachelor's degree.
- A weighted average of no less than 13.00 across the required courses.
- Successfully complete all specialist certification courses, with no more than one retake.
Economics graduates who meet the requirements for a specialist certification can request it through Mi Ulima.
For more information, click here.
School of Business and Economics
Academic Degree and Professional Title Office
Building D2, Floor 1
Business hours: Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 13:00 hours and from 14:00 to 19.00 hours
T. 4376767 extension 34014
This Specialist Certification provides students with deeper knowledge to boost their experience in portfolio management, with the approach of a chartered financial analyst.

This Specialist Certification provides students with competences on monetary resources management in order to serve as a financial manager or investment advisor.

This Specialist Certification provides students with the right managerial skills to work within the public sector.

This Specialist Certification teaches students how to model and solve complex issues based on research applied to banking and finance.

Labor Field
Capable of dynamically interpret the external factors, in order to optimize the organization's economic resources to face short- and medium-term financial issues.
Capable of devising viable solutions for the country's development.

University of Bayreuth
Founded in 1975, this university fosters research and interdisciplinary science while developing academic profiles and courses that address multiple disciplines. Its research programs and available courses cover fields such as natural and technical sciences, legal and economic studies, as well as language, literature, and cultural studies.
It is a non-profit civil organization comprising Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and Universidad de Lima. This partnership allows students from these four institutions to access academic and university services, premises, validated courses, and credit equality for courses taken in any university of this Consortium.
Optional second international bachelor's degree
Universidad de Lima offers students the opportunity to develop in global environments, enhance their networking, and live an international experience through the optional second international bachelor’s degree programs.
University of Queensland
Universidad de Lima joins efforts with University of Queensland (UQ) to give the students from the Faculty of Business and Economics the chance to pursue studies in this renowned Australian institution and obtain the Bachelor of Business Management majoring in Marketing, International Business and others.
Information: Antonio Esquivel Delfín (

École Supérieure de Commerce – Clermont
Students from the Faculty of Business and Economics at Universidad de Lima are eligible to study in the École Supérieure de Commerce – Groupe ESC Clermont in France for an entire year and obtain the Bachelor in International Management.
Information: Manuela Linares (

University of London
Thanks to the agreement between Universidad de Lima and University of London (UOL), internationally recognized for its high academic standards, students can obtain a second international bachelor’s degree without leaving the country: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. This program is available to students from all undergraduate programs at Universidad de Lima.

The Stock Market Laboratory publishes this report about stock dynamics on a daily basis.
Publication that puts together a synthesis of the main news and events on financial and stock markets around the world over the last week.
Open-access academic publication that disseminates research results—theoretical and empirical—in the economics and business sciences area.
Working papers disseminate among the academic community all research findings conducted by professors from the Economics Undergraduate Program at Universidad de Lima. The goal is to encourage intra- and interinstitutional productive discussions, in order to obtain feedback from peer reviews for a potential publication, whether in peer-reviewed journals or specialized volumes.
Submission Guidelines
To learn more about the submission guidelines or receive information, contact Editor Rosa Luz Durán Fernández (
Institutional Repository
In the Ulima repository you can find relevant documents in PDF format, access metadata, and learn how to cite.
For more information, click here.
Free availability
These working papers have many issues. For more information, click on each title:
- ISSUE 10
- ISSUE 11
- ISSUE 12
- ISSUE 13
- ISSUE 14
- ISSUE 15
No. 1: Indicador de competitividad regional
Author: Chirinos Cabrejos, Raymundo
Year: 2017
Keywords: competitiveness, regional analysis, regional statistics
PDF: Indicador de competitividad regional
For more information, click here.
No. 2: Modelo instrumental para medir la sostenibilidad en la gestión de compañías mineras metálicas formales en el Perú
Author: Schwarz Díaz, Max
Year: 2017
Keyword: sustainability, mining conflicts, processes, corporate control, productivity
PDF: Modelo instrumental para medir la sostenibilidad en la gestión de compañías mineras metálicas formales en el Perú
For more information, click here.
No. 3: Costos sociales de la victimización en América Latina. Percepción de inseguridad, capital social y percepción de la democracia
Author: Hernández Breña, Wilson Virgilio
Year: 2017
Keywords: share capital, trust, costs, democracy, victimization
PDF: Costos sociales de la victimización en América Latina: percepción de inseguridad, capital social y percepción de la democracia
For more information, click here.
No. 4: Impactos sociales del espárrago en el Perú
Author: Terán Velazco, César
Year: 2017
Keywords: asparagus, corporate social responsibility, agricultural companies, sustainable development
PDF: Impactos sociales del espárrago en el Perú
For more information, click here.
No. 5: Panorama fiscal y relaciones de financiamiento de los Gobiernos subnacionales en el Perú, 2009-2015
Author: Samanamud Valderrama, Carlos Enrique
Year: 2018
Keywords: fiscal decentralization, intergovernmental funding, fiscal transfers, fiscal autonomy, public budget
PDF: Panorama fiscal y relaciones de financiamiento de los Gobiernos subnacionales en el Perú, 2009-2015
For more information, click here.
No. 6: Hacia una macroeconomía del comportamiento en el Perú
Author: Chirinos Cabrejos, Raymundo
Year: 2018
Keywords: behavioral economics, macroeconomics, animal spirits, psychology
PDF: Hacia una macroeconomía del comportamiento en el Perú
For more information, click here.
No. 7: Giving Money to the Inca. Experiments and Theory on Social Norms and Tax Compliance in Peru
Authors: López Pérez, Raúl; Ramírez Zamudio, Aldo Fabricio
Year: 2019
Keywords: corruption, evasion, peer effects, social norms, tax compliance, tax morale
PDF: Giving Money to the Inca: Experiments and Theory on Social Norms and Tax Compliance in Peru
For more information, click here.
No. 8: De México al Asia. Siguiendo la cadena de valor internacional de los recursos naturales
Author: Landa Arroyo, Yuri Jesús
Year: 2019
Keywords: industrialization, natural resources, foreign trade, network theory
PDF: De México al Asia. Siguiendo la cadena de valor internacional de los recursos naturales
For more information, click here.
No. 9: ¿Más educadas, más empoderadas? Complementariedad entre escolaridad y empleo en la probabilidad de violencia doméstica contra las mujeres en el Perú
Author: Durán Fernández, Rosa Luz
Year: 2019
Keywords: interpersonal domestic violence, economic empowerment, women, Peru
PDF: ¿Más educadas, más empoderadas? Complementariedad entre escolaridad y empleo en la probabilidad de violencia doméstica contra las mujeres en el Perú
For more information, click here.
No. 10: Una revisión de la disuasión fiscal y la moral fiscal
Authors: Ramírez Zamudio, Aldo Fabricio; López-Pérez, Raúl; Abanto Aranda, Deyvi Franco
Year: 2021
Keywords: taxation, deterrence, social norms, tax morale
PDF: Una revisión de la disuasión fiscal y la moral fiscal
For more information, click here.
No. 11: Análisis VAR para evaluar la maldición de los recursos naturales en la economía peruana
Authors: Nolazco Cama, Jose Luis; Angulo Parra, Juan Pablo; Chamochumbi Yanac, Ariana; Marino Garayac, Daniela; Patilongo Alarcón, Iván; Rodríguez Ramírez, Joaquín; Yen Cerna, Karina
Year: 2022
Keywords: natural resourcse, economic growth, mining entry, VAR, Dutch disease
PDF: Análisis VAR para evaluar la maldición de los recursos naturales en la economía peruana
For more information, click here.
No. 12: Efecto en los ingresos de la educación de calidad universitaria. Evidencia para Perú
Authors: Sánchez Dávila, Elmer; Obeso Manrique, Jordán Alan; Fernández Morales, Paolo César
Year: 2022
Keywords: higher education, university quality, Mincer equation
PDF: Efecto en los ingresos de la educación de calidad universitaria. Evidencia para Perú
For more information, click here.
No. 13: Los efectos de las pensiones sociales sobre la mortalidad entre los ancianos en extrema pobreza
Authors: Valderrama, José A.; Olivera, Javier
Year: 2023
Keywords: non-contributory pensions, mortality, regression discontinuity, old-age poverty
PDF: Los efectos de las pensiones sociales sobre la mortalidad entre los ancianos en extrema pobreza
For more information, click here.
No. 14: Los determinantes de la corrupción: evidencia desde un modelo logit
Author: Urbina Padilla, Dante Abelardo
Year: 2023
Keywords: corruption, institutions, development
PDF: Los determinantes de la corrupción: evidencia desde un modelo 'logit'
For more information, click here.
No. 15: Regressivity in public pension systems: the case of Peru
Author: Valderrama Torres, José Artemio
Year: 2024
Keywords: pay-as-you-go, pension progressivity, pension wealth, mortality
PDF: Regressivity in public pension systems: the case of Peru
For more information, click here.
The Economic, Financial and Social Observatory of Universidad de Lima was established with the final goal to analyze the Peruvian and global economic situations. As part of its activities, the Observatory prepares the Macroeconomic and Financial Report (monthly), Quarterly Socioeconomic and Welfare Report, Quarterly Financial System Report, and Quarterly Microfinance System Report.
Space particularly designed to disseminate research carried out by professors from the Economics Undergraduate Program at Universidad de Lima, which has been published or are under publication process in indexed journals. The final goal is to foster collaboration among professors with common interests, promote the formation of multidisciplinary research teams, and incorporate students into the development of scientific projects.
José Valderrama Torres

In this space, some of the most outstanding graduates of the Economics Undergraduate Program share their professional experiences and how their academic education at Universidad de Lima helped them to pave their way to success. Thanks to graduates' testimonies, attendees will learn more about their professional path and the key decisions they had to make to fulfill their current job positions.
Rosa Quispe Llamoca

The International Congress on Economics and Finance of Universidad de Lima is a remarkable academic event that brings together experts, researchers, and students to address both economic progress and challenges. With a scientific research approach, this Congress allows the exchange of ideas and collaboration between national and international universities. During the event, different research studies from professors and students are presented. These are the perfect avenue to disseminate innovative studies and strengthen academic networking.
Aldo Ramírez Zamudio

Lifelong Learning
Keep your competences, skills and knowledge updated throughout your entire professional life.
Our master's and doctoral programs focus on training interdisciplinary professionals who promote innovation, entrepreneurships and research.
The Executive Education Bureau (DEC) at Universidad de Lima offers workshops, courses, and specialization programs to train executives, professionals, and businesspeople in specific management areas.
If you wish to study abroad, this is the right place to find all relevant information about scholarships and academic opportunities.
Ulima Language Center provides students with the right tools and knowledge to communicate in English in different situations. Below you can find some of our programs:
- Stock Market Laboratory
Stock Market Laboratory
The only one in Latin America, our Stock Market Laboratory is especially designed to provide students with the latest tools and specialized software used in both national and international stock markets. This enables students to conduct more effective research and analysis, fostering their competitive professional development.
The Stock Market Laboratory provides Ulima students with key competences and knowledge about the use of key indicators for fundamental and technical analysis, in order to make the best investment decisions.
It also hosts the traditional Stock Market Games, where participants have the opportunity to manage an investment portfolio, responding to the ever-changing dynamics of global stock markets.
What makes us unique?
- At Universidad de Lima, students don’t just learn financial theory—they put it into practice. Our stock market games from the School of Business and Economics simulate real-world scenarios in the securities markets, paving the way for professional success.
- Students are actively involved in the preparation of two reports: Pulso Bursátil—our daily report that provides information about national and international stock markets, and Pulso Económico—our monthly economic indicators report for the Latin American Integrated Market (MILA). This makes us the only University that provides daily information, which has become a key source of information for investment decisions and corporate strategies.
- Our laboratory features world-class technology and software, accessible to students and faculty at any time:
- Bloomberg
- Thomson Reuters Eikon
- Economática
- Risk Simulator
- Datastream
Compilation of the most outstanding works from our students. This repository's goal is to boost the research spirit and disseminate contributions produced by Ulima community members.
Our professors not only excel for their academic and professional track record, but also for their vocation of teaching and promotion of ethical and critical education. Through their work, Ulima professors foster the development of knowledge, research, and social commitment to train leaders with positive impacts on society.
Economic Situation Study Circle
Different documents that analyze the global, regional and national economic situation are presented to have a further analysis and reflection among members.
General objective
Provide students with key information to analyze the local and foreign economic environments, figure out how markets interact, and understand the main drivers of economic growth in the short- and long-term. This will foster the training and participation of students from the Faculty of Business and Economics in national and international competitions focused on economic research.
Specific objectives
- Analyze the main information sources (databases, reports, studies, etc.) about economic, financial, and social issues.
- Figure out how markets interact and understand the main drivers of economic growth in the short- and long-term.
- Encourage debates on local and foreign economic situations, in order to define future economic research projects.
Professor in charge
Ricardo Nieva Chávez