International Relations

International Networks

Grupo Compostela 

The Compostela Group is a network of universities (nonprofit association) established in 1993 at the initiative of Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain), with the mission to promote cooperation and dialogue in areas related to higher education among its members.

While initially it brought together all higher education institutions created along the ancient pilgrimage routes that cross Europe to reach Santiago, and those interested in working for the preservation and enhancement of their common cultural heritage, it has now expanded horizons accepting non-European universities and it has gathered more than 70 universities around the world.

Among its most important goals include: to strengthen the communication channels between member universities, organize events for the study and discussion of various issues relating to Europe, and to promote mobility as a basis for knowledge of European cultures and languages. In this sense, its main working groups are Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication, and Europeans Studies.

Gender Studies and Non-Academic Mobility.
For more information, visit the website of Compostela Group.

Red Columbus

Columbus is a network of universities (non-profit association) founded in 1987 by the European Association of Universities and the Association of Latin American Universities, with the mission of promoting cooperation between higher education institutions from both continents. At present, it includes 53 members: 33 Latin American universities and 20 European universities.

Its main objectives are: to promote the institutional development of universities, strengthening its structures and management processes, and to support multilateral cooperation in higher education. For these purposes, Columbus provides the necessary support in networking in specific areas, identifying funding opportunities, seminars and workshops, evaluation of academic programs, etc.

Columbus is the first EU-Latin American network of higher education institutions that considers cooperation between their managers and institutional development, as the main focus of action.

For more information, visit the website of Columbus Network.

Grupo La Rábida 

Grupo La Rábida (La Rabida Group) is a network of Latin American universities (nonprofit association) founded in 1995 at the initiative of Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, which seeks to promote academic, scientific, technological and cultural cooperation, with the aim of strengthening academic ties and integrate Latin American peoples. At present, it appoints more than 60 member universities.

To achieve its goals, Grupo La Rábida proposes to establish collaborative links in the search for a common academic and student zone, to promote collaboration proposals from existing bilateral and multilateral relations, to promote the institutional strengthening of its members in curriculum improvement, economic and administrative management, to facilitate the exchange of scholars and researchers, to organize regional courses and graduate studies, and to create research and development regional networks in order to develop joint projects, etc.

For more information, visit Grupo La Rábida website.