Center for Technological Innovation


The Center for Technological Innovation of the University of Lima (CIT) is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. At the CIT, creative and productive spaces are provided, so as to solve real issues within society, academics and businesses. The CIT’s agenda is aligned with Peru’s national innovation system’s prioritized sectors, and with the objectives and guidelines set by the Scientific Research Institute of the University (Instituto de Investigación Científica, IDIC). While under construction, the CIT started operating and working on several projects on January 2017.

The CIT’s business model is as follows:

The CIT interacts directly with several areas within the University, including:

  • IDIC.
  • Student driven research groups and technological seedbeds.
  • The University’s Center of Entrepreneurship.
  • The University’s Faculties of Engineering and Architecture, Law, Communication, Business and Economics, and Psychology.
  • Institutional Image